Friday, January 1, 2010


Welcome! The rules are real simple:

1. The challenge starts January 1, 2009 and ends December 31, 2009.

2. Books have to be either a memoir, autobiography, or biography.

3. You can overlap with other challenges:

4. Re-reads count.

5. You pick how many books you want to read.

6. You do not need to make a list. This challenge is flexible and the goal is to have fun and read.

Instead of leaving a review this year, we'll be using Mr. Linky which is much easier for everyone. Happy readings!

NOTE: I was trying to get Mr. Linky attached, but he hates me. So just leave a link to your specific post in the comments section.


Jill said...
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Wendy said...

Hi Vasilly - Of course I'm in. You have my email from the Yahoo group :)
Thanks for the link back to my blog (although it needs a bit of a tweak to work I think!)

Francesca Thomas said...

When do you have the time to read books and write review with 3 (I assume) small kids? Unless these are stepkids?

Enquiring minds are curious. LOL

When I was 24, kids were the LAST thing on my mind.


Vasilly said...

I read at nap time, reading time, and at night when they are sleep! I read when I'm alone (very rare) on the bus on the way to school and back. Nope, they are all mine. Ages 2, 4, and 5 1/2. I've been busy!!!

Anonymous said...

so. in.

sally906 said...

I would like to join up with this one please - I have just finished the non-fiction 5 and enjoyed the few biography/memoirs I read.

SharonsBookNotes said...

I am in with this one. Now to start thinking about choices! I love reading about others lives but have not given this genre much attention this year so I know there will be much to choose from.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to join this one. I figure a book a month would work just right for me. Now to think of which books!

kim in Ohio said...

yes, I want to be a part of this challenge. I have 3 books already to go.
kim in Ohio

Michele's This and That said...

I would love to join this one.

Karen said...

Okay, sign me up. I can't get this challenge out of mind since reading about it at Lynne's place. And last night I walked through Border's and came up with several ideas!

Michele's This and That said...

I would love to join this and will look at my books to see what fits :)

Rachel D. said...

I love biographies, so I'm in!!

Rachel D.

Susan said...

I'm so in for this one. When I get a list generated, I'll post it at Thanks for hosting. This is going to be a good one.

~Becky said...

I've been thinking of doing my own challenge on this same topic, so I'm in!

Booklogged said...

I posted my list today. It's at A Reaer's Journal

Booklogged said...

I prepared a little button to go with this challenge. I don't know if you want a button or not, but I always like them to add to my sidebar. You can take a look and see what you think - it's not elaborate. Click here.

Juliette said...
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jenclair said...

I'm in for this one. I've been reading memoirs, biographies, and autobiographies as a personal challenge this year. It has been so rewarding that having it as a challenge is an excellent excuse!

Heather said...

WOW!! This is very timely as I was thinking about hosting something very similar. I think I'll join yours instead and blab about it on my book blog:

I'll post my choices early next week.

Anonymous said...

I just posted my list. Here's the link:

Looking forward to this one.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I found out about this challenge through Bybee and I'd love to participate.. This is my very first time doing a challenge.. I hope I can manage...


ps. I'll post my list on my blog "With a Cup of Coffee.."

Shannansbooks said...

I would like to join this challenge. I will list my choices closer to the challenge.

Sunnysmileqt said...

I have a lot of memoirs that I haven't read yet and I'd love to join this challenge. I already have my books picked out and I'll have them posted in a few days!!!

Joy said...

I'm interested in joining you all in this challenge. I started creating a possibilities list and will post them soon. Do you have an "official button" that we can use for the challenge?

Thanks! :)

bookinhand said...

This challenge "fits" for me!
My list is found here:

I can't wait to get started!

Heather said...

Hello! I joined in and have posted here:


Rosangela said...

I'd like to join this one. Rosangela

Joy said...

Here's my list:

In Their Shoes Challenge

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love memoirs!! This challenge is definitely for me. Please sign me up. I will link back to here once I get my list together and posted ;) Thanks.

~Becky said...

I can't remember if I've joined already or not!
Sign me up

Kate S. said...

I can't resist this challenge! I've posted the list of books that I aspire to read on my blog here.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Grrr, I keep having problems getting my link posted normally. You can find my list here

Sharon said...

I've made my selections and have posted them on my blog. You will find it here:

pussreboots said...

I'd like to sign up. I've posted my list.

~Becky said...

I can't remember if I already signed up or not. Please sign me up, I love this genre.

samantha.1020 said...

I would like to join!

Anonymous said...

I would like to be a part of this challenge. I've got a couple of biographies just waiting to be read!

Chanticleer said...

Please sign me up for the "In their shoes" Reading Challenge.

The Captain said...

RhiGirl here. Definitely want to sign up. =)

My list of books is here:

Sonya said...

Great idea so count me in! You can find my list here:

Framed said...

Thanks for hosting this challenge. Please count me in. Here's the link to my list:

Juliette said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Maria said...

I am in!

Here's My list!

Susan O'Bryant said...

I am in! I discovered in 2007 that I really enjoy reading biographies and memoirs. I have chosen 5 to definitely read for 2008, via this challenge. Thanks so much for putting this together!

My List

Maria said...

I'm in, and I hope I haven't already signed up. I'm spending my New Year's Eve making sure I'm signed up for all my challenges. I posted my entire list at:

LENI: The Life and Work of Leni Riefenstahl

The Life of Emily Dickinson
After Great Plain: The Inner Life of Emily Dickinson
The Discomfort Zone: A Personal History

EAT, PRAY, LOVE: One Woman's Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesia.

TEAM OF RIVALS: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln.

The Year of Magical Thinking

ALMOST THERE: The Onward Journey of a Dublin Woman.

BLACK DAHLIA AVENGER: A Genius for Murder.


PUSHKIN: A Biography.

Maria said...

I'm in. My list is here:

Amanda said...

I am going to attempt this challenge too. I don't read enough biographies or memoirs, so I think this is a perfect opportunity to branch out a little! Thanks for hosting it!

Les said...

I'd like to join this challenge if it's still open. I have my list posted on my blog, but can post it here, too, if you like. Let me know!

Kim L said...

Sign me up. Here's my list:

I'm excited about this one.

Anonymous said...


I'd like to be a part of this challenge. I've set up my list here:


Deb said...

Ooops! Sorry, can't use "Mary.." it's a novel..forgot. Hmmm... "Eat, Pray, Love," then! Deb :)

Mos Stef said...

I would love to join this challenge :) I just finished Marilyn Monroe's unfinished autobiography "My Story".

The Protagonist said...

Um, kind of lame here, but I've never posted to a group blog before. I signed up in December and have finished a good read, but am not sure how to post in the body of the blog? I was going to link here to my review . . . Thanks:)

raidergirl3 said...

Could you put a sidebar option that shows the tags or labels? It makes it easier to find your own posts, if they have been labeled that way.
thanks, if possible

Vasilly said...

Can you tell me how, Michelle?

Anonymous said...

I just finished my 3rd book, LUCKY. The review is on my blog.

Lesley said...

I'm in! My list can be found here. Thanks for hosting this challenge!

maitrilibellule said...

Hello! What a wonderful challenge, and †his is †he kind of writing I have done for 30 years. I would love to take part. You can read more about me on my main site, or my blog, . I hope I will be accepted for the challenge. I have a number of good books lined up!

Blessings to you and thank you for considering me.

Maitri Libellule

tennischick said...

Am I too late? I'd really like to do this challenge. Thanks.

raidergirl3 said...

vasilly - sorry, I forgot to check back here, but I see you figured the labels out. Good job!

tennischick said...

apologies. the "Call ME" button was supposed to end up on my blog, not yours. i had no idea where it had gone until i checked your site today. thankfully i was able to delete it. apologies again.

Vasilly said...

Girl, no problem.

Kathleen said...

Okay I signed up for this a long time ago I thought. I posted my list at the end of august. Anyways I hope you can add me to your blog so I can start posting my reviews.

list here:

email: callista83 AT cogeco DOT ca

Care said...

I'm in, too...
(look to my tbr page)

pussreboots said...

I know I signed up but I never received the invite. I'm at caligula at pussreboots dot pair dot com or just use the contact form on my site.

Beryl Singleton Bissell said...

Hello Vasilli,

What is your most recent blog. I've been searching for you and am amazed at how many challenge blogs you have initiated. I'd like to follow you but don't know how to link up yet.

Heather J. @ TLC Book Tours said...

I know it is too late to join, but I'd love to take part if you do this again! I'm loving the reviews - PLEASE POST MORE!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Sign me up! Judy

Heather J. @ TLC Book Tours said...

I don't know exactly where to post this, but I gave this blog an award! Here's the link!

Anonymous said...

Are you going to have this challenge in 2009? I wanted to read more books, but real life got in the way. E-mail me at:


Thanks! Judy/Intergalactic Bookworm

Jenny said...

K I'd love to do this one. Six would be a good choice for me to read in the year. Jenny

Unknown said...

Hi Vasilly, count me in! I will make a list after sleeping for a bit. It's 1 am for me and I can't concentrate too well right now...

Vasilly said...

Thanks for joining, Katherin! Get some sleep! Sweet dreams!

Stacy said...

I would like to join but wanted to verify that this challenge is for the new year 2009. Wasn't sure because of the comments from '07 and '08. Thanks,

Vasilly said...

Yes, this challenge is for 2009. It started in 2008 and sign ups had started in 2007.

Stacy said...

Oh OK...then I am signing up. Thanks for hosting. Here is the link back to my blog for this challenge:

Unknown said...

Vasilly, thanks, I slept well ;-)

My tentative, incomplete list can be found here:

krin said...

Here's my list:

Lynda said...

I'm in:

Kathleen said...

I'm in. My post stating I'm participating is here:

but books will be reviewed here:

katrina said...

I'm in, I'm aiming for 4. Going to start with Wild Swans which I have been meaning to read for ages and Blood River - a journalists trip through the Congo . Will see where I go from there after that

FleurFisher said...

I'm in and my post is at

serendipity_viv said...

I would really like to join this challenge. I am new to blogging, so bear with me. Great challenge.

Patty said...

Oh, I'd love to be part of this challenge! I'm a day late, but I already finished my first book...a memoir!


Stacy said...

Hello everyone. I finished my first book: The Man who Invented Christmas. It is about Dickens' A Christmas Carol. You can read the review here:

joanna said...

I'm in too, sounds like fun!

Anonymous said...

This sounds like fun, I'll definitely be joining in!

Becca said...

I would like to participate in this challenge. I will be keeping track at my blog

Ms Alex said...

Please sign me up. :)

jspeyton said...

Sign me up too, please! I don't have a list, but I do have a number of memoirs and biographies on my shelf so I shouldn't have any trouble doing this one.

jspeyton said...

BTW: I'm at htt://

Thank you!

Beata said...

I'm in:

Jeanette said...

I am all ready to start this challenge! My first book will be about Alice Roosevelt Longworth and I am sure I will have no problem finding more after that! :-)

Stacy said...

Here is my second review for the autobiography by the creator of Paddington Bear.

Stacy said...
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serendipity_viv said...
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serendipity_viv said...

This might be a better link.

Grilsgood said...

I enjoyed this one last year, never thought much about reading this genre, but one of my fav books of this year was Audition by Barbara Walters. Count me in. Lindy/CT

Stacy said...

Here is a review on a book about Evelyn Waugh:

LorMil said...

Good reading to all in 2009! I will make myself a list for this challenge.

LorMil said...

I read Resistance, and will review it soon.

~~Jew Wishes

Lulu said...

Thanks for hosting this challenge. I will be participating here:

FleurFisher said...

Here are my thoughts on my first book for this challenge - Marraine: a Portrait of My Godmother by Oriel Malet - a lovely family memoir.

serendipity_viv said...

I am a participant too and my name doesn't come up on the lefthand side. Do I need to do something special, so that I appear?

serendipity_viv said...

Thanks for sorting this. I really do appreciate it. Don't like to be left out. Sound like a petulant child, don't I.

Vasilly said...

You do not sound like a petulant child! =) I'm the same way. Thank you do much for joining the challenge!

krin said...

I read Michael Fox's Lucky Man. My comments are here.

Anonymous said...

Here is my review of the first book read for this challenge, Home by Julie Andrews:

serendipity_viv said...

Shall I put my review here.

californiameaghan said...

my goal is 12 for this challenge

Keesh said...

Well, I noticed I have a few memoirs in my TBR, so I might as well join on in the challenge! Sign me up please :-)

Jan in Edmonds said...

Sing me up, please & thank you. I'm always reading bios -- might just as well be getting credit ;-)

Thanks for hosting!

Jan (in Edmonds)

Stacy said...

Read Old Books, Rare Friends by Rostenberg and Stern. Here is the review:

I loved it and definitely recommend it.

Stacy said...

Bookends by Rostenberg and Stern (a follow up to Old Books, Rare Friends)

Jeanette said...

Review for Lincoln: A Photobiography.

Sherrie said...

Would love to join in on your reading challenge In Their Shoes. I posted about this challenge at my place. Have linked it back here. You can see my post here: JUST BOOKS: IN THEIR SHOES READING CHALLENGE


krin said...

For my next book, I read In Fond Remembrance of Me by Howard Norman. My review is here.

Stacy said...

Called Out of Darkness by Anne Rice

katrina said...

My third Review is here

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas

Stacy said...

P.G. Wodehouse: A Biography by Frances Donaldson

Stacy said...

Scratch Beginnings by Adam Shepard

alisonwonderland said...

I've posted reviews of The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls and Lucky by Alice Sebold on my blog.

Becca said...

I just completed the challenge. I read 7 books for it. Here is my link:

I'm sorry that I got confused about who was hosting this challenge and I have not been posting my reviews like I should. But, hopefully, you will forgive my absentmindedness.

Loved the challenge!

Mothball Wombat said...

I'll be doing this challenge, I know I'm starting kind of late.

- Sam @ The Literary Wombat

Stacy said...

The Apprentice by Jacques Pepin

Stacy said...

Stephen Fry in America

Stacy said...

Julia Child: A Life by Laura Shapiro

Stacy said...

Julie & Julia by Julie Powell

Stacy said...

Ruth Reichl's Not Becoming My Mother

katrina said...

I have read 8 books for this challenge so far
1. Fun Home, Brecdel
2. Pyongyang
3. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas
4. Mendel's Daughter, Lemelman
5. A Year in Green Tea and Tuk Tuks, Spowers
6. Three Cups of Tea, Mortenson
7. Night, Elie Wiesel
8. First They Killed My Father, Ung

All are reviewed over on my blog

Stacy said...

Well I think I am going to call this challenge completed. Looking at the reading for the rest of the year, I don't think I am going to have time to read anymore books in this genre. Thanks for hosting. Here is my completed list...

Leigh Russell said...

Hi Vivienne - I came here after reading your response on Petty Witter's blog where she posted about the discussion on my blog. My point was not about paying authors, who receive an advance from their publisher. My post was talking about the plight of publishers who need to recoup their outlay and make a profit to enable them to continue publishing books. Please visit my blog and comment on my post. You'll be very welcome!

Author Kelly Moran said...


I woke up Sunday a.m. to find my blog, my 500 plus followers, my 100plus author interviews, and my 200 plus reviews gone. Blogger gave no explanation, but I think the account was hacked. Change your password often!

I have reloaded the interviews and reviews, plus redesigned the blog. But if you could, please hit the "follow" button so I can reclaim the fellow bloggers I miss. I'm still following you, as my account remained--thank goodness!

Thank you!
Kelly Moran