Wednesday, November 21, 2007

My Sort of Final List

According to the rules, we can read any number of books. So here is my list of 10 memoirs & biographies, that I currently have on my TBR list. I dont know if I WILL read them all - some of these are quite large & quite long - but I sure WANT to read them all.

An Uncommon Woman by Hannah Pakula (Empress Frederick - mother of Kaiser Wilhelm)
On a Grander Scale by Lisa Jardine (Christopher Wren)
A Pirate of Exquisite Mind by Diana & Michael Preston (William Dampier)
Leonardo Da Vinci by Charles Nicholl
Elizabeth by Randy Taborelli (Elizabeth Taylor - not Queen Elizabeth 1 or 2)
History Play by Rodney Bolt (Kit Marlowe)
Christina Queen of Sweden by Veronica Buckley
Rene Angelil (The making of Celine Dion) by Jean Beaunoyer & Jean Beaulne
Out of the Flames by Lawrence & Nancy Goldstone (Michael Servetus)
Me & Shakespeare by Herman Gollob (a memoir)

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