Monday, November 26, 2007

Two More For The List

Groan. I could've avoided the biography section at the bookstore on Sunday...I think. Or is it possible? I'm weak. Call the 10-step people. I was actually in the bookstore looking for a novel for book group called Water For Elephants. Couldn't find it. Couldn't leave empty-handed.

Anyway, I've got 2 more to add to my list for this challenge:

Mockingbird (the biography about Harper Lee)
Eat, Pray, Love -Elizabeth Gilbert

OK. That's it! No more tweaking my final list! Of course, my birthday and Christmas ARE coming up...


Kim said...

Mockingbird sounds like a good read. I may need to tweak my list a bit...........
After all, Christmas is coming!

Grilsgood said...

I would like to do this one. Not sure where I put what I will read. My life is a mess right now.